We’re Fundraising for Project Mama

We'Re Raising Money For Project Mama In Bristol City

About Project Mama

We provide one-to-one birth companions to ensure each mother gives birth safely, makes informed choices and receives the nurturing support she needs for a positive birth and early parenting experience. We seek to improve the health & well being of women who often experience multiple disadvantages, exacerbated by displacement. We foster community & resilience through our MAMAHub and promote self-advocacy which speaks to wider social change, through our project Bumps & Babes without Borders.

Project Mama’s Mission Statement

Project MAMA is a unique and much needed service in Bristol. We are excited that women are fortunate enough to access this tailored support during their pregnancy and labour. Our clients have often told us about their experiences of having babies alone, confused and scared. This project enables them to have positive birth experiences and the labour and childbirth that every woman deserves.

What Does Project Mama Do?

Becky Becky “I’ve chosen Project Mama as my charity after attending a fundraising event for them a couple years ago. The event brought to my attention the incredible work they do in the community, helping support women through pregnancy, labour and early parenting.

Based in Bristol, the charity provides numerous forms of support to displaced women in need; often survivors of human trafficking and modern slavery, or those living beneath the poverty line. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the charity delivered care packages of nappies, wipes, formula milk and fresh groceries to those in need, alongside making weekly phone calls to provide emotional support, advice and signposting to other networks.

In addition to their COVID-19 care packages, the charity offers a weekly drop in service the ‘Mama Hub’ – a free space providing support and social contact for expectant mothers and mothers with babies up to the age of 2. Volunteers provide hot meals at the hub as well as holistic and emotional support and advice relating to pregnancy, labour and parenting. Physical supplies of baby clothes and nappy bundles are available to all attendees as we all Project Mama reimbursing all Mama’s travel costs for the Mama Hub sessions.

Project Mama are a relatively new charity that does crucial work within the UK, founded in 2018 by Fiona Mann, they rely heavily on donations to continue to deliver the amazing services on offer to mama’s in need.”

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