Re-wrap your 18650 batteries to keep them safe when they tear or chip. These low cost 18650 battery wraps are easy to apply and allow you to get extra life out of your vape batteries without having to purchase new cells. Ensure the circular insulator ring is still present when re-wrapping your old cells if you have not purchased new ones. Includes x1 battery wrap.
Why Should I Change My Battery Wraps?
Over time, battery wraps become damaged and tear or chip away. This is incredibly dangerous as it allows the battery to become exposed and run the risk of shorting, leading to venting or fire. Rewrapping your batteries is an incredibly cheap and cost-effective way to ensure the safety and life of your batteries.
What Are 18650 Battery Insulator Rings and Do You Sell Them?
Insulator Rings are a small, self-adhesive ring of card, paper, or suitable material, that covers the positive terminal of a battery. These insulator rings are used as an extra layer of protection against venting or shorting. These rings should be replaced whenever they become damaged, or whenever you rewrap your batteries. They can be found here.
Why Are Battery Wraps Different Colours?
Not all batteries are the same, so purchasing battery wraps in different colours helps to keep them separate or in a pair.
How Do I Change My Battery Wraps?
- Ensure the chosen batteries are fully discharged
- Carefully remove the damaged battery wrap. Do not use any metal tools to assist in doing this (such as scissors or a knife) as the contact of metal on the bare battery can lead to a short.
- If the Insulator ring is old and damaged, remove it and replace it with a new one.
- Slide the now bare battery into the new battery wrap, leaving an equal amount of the wrap on either side
- Using a hairdryer or heat gun and at a small distance, wave your heat source over the wrap and it will start to mould itself to the battery. Do not hold in one place for too long, as this will melt the wrap.
If you are unconfident or unsure as to how to rewrap your batteries, always visit your local vape shop and have them demonstrate the process.
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