We’re Fundraising for Sea Shepherd UK

We Are Fundraising For Sea Shepherd Uk

About Sea Shepherd UK

The objectives of Sea Shepherd UK are to conserve and protect the UK’s and the world’s marine ecosystems, habitats, and species. Sea Shepherd UK may also engage in conservation activities to protect freshwater habitats and species. The charity endeavours to accomplish these goals through public education, investigation, documentation, and where appropriate (and where legal authority exists under international law or under the agreement of national governments) to help enforce violations of international treaties, laws, and conventions designated to protect the oceans. All of Sea Shepherd UK’s campaigns to defend marine wildlife or habitats are guided by the United Nations World Charter for Nature or other relevant national or international conservation laws, treaties, and regulations.

Sea Shepherd UK’s Mission Statement

Sea Shepherd UK is a registered marine conservation charity whose primary mission is to end the destruction of habitats and illegal killing of wildlife around the UK’s coastline and across the world’s oceans in order to conserve and protect marine ecosystems and species. Sea Shepherd UK uses innovative direct-action tactics to investigate, document, and take action when necessary to expose and confront illegal activities committed against marine wildlife. Sea Shepherd UK also engaging in campaigns to help defend and restore coastal and marine areas. By safeguarding the biodiversity of our delicately balanced oceanic ecosystems, Sea Shepherd UK works to ensure their survival for future generations.


JadeneI’ve chosen Sea Shepherd as my charity as I have a passionate love for supporting the world’s marine life. Sea Shepherd is an international non-profit marine conservation organisation, that uses direct action to defend wildlife and conserve the world’s oceans.

Sea Shepherd has been fighting for the rights of the ocean since 1977. Although international laws and agreements exist to protect the delicate balance of our oceans life, there are many voids that allow poachers to act illegally and practice illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU) These voids have been created by sufficient economic resources or transnational boundaries that blur jurisdiction. Sea Shepherd acts within the voids, by investigating when marine and wildlife laws are not enforced and use innovative, direct actions to expose and confront illegal activities. 

Since 1979, Sea Shepherds have been using direct action to stop illegal whale poaching around the world. 
A global moratorium was put into place in 1986, after commercial whaling almost drove these mammals to extinction. Some countries have refused to recognise the ban, with Norway, Iceland and Japan still continuing to practice commercial whaling.

Despite the small size of their fleet, Sea Shepherds campaigns have been effective as they use direct action and confront illegal activities, instead of petitions and marches. Their efforts and campaigns are unmatched, and they have dozens of operations that span the world over to protect, conserve and preserve all manner of ocean life.

Their passion and love for the ocean have seen them do such things as save over 6000 whales from commercial whaling, haul in miles of illegal fishing gear, stand up to seal hunters and chase a single poaching boat for over 110 days.

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